Plant endemics of the TsauǁKhaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park


  • A Burke EnviroScience, PO Box 90230, Klein Windhoek, Namibia
  • S Loots National Botanical Research Institute, Private Bag 13184, Windhoek


endemic, Namib Desert, Namibia, range size, red data, Sperrgebiet, Succulent Karoo Biome, TsauǁKhaeb National Park


Endemic plant species of the TsauǁKhaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park in south-west Namibia were determined by reviewing spatial distribution data. These included accessible data sources at the National Botanical Research Institute in Namibia and online as well as published literature. A total of 31 strict park plant endemics, which includes 11 local endemics, was identified. Another 33 taxa are considered broader park endemics, as these can also be found just outside the borders of the park. The level of protection a taxon should receive increases with decreasing range size, making the local endemics good indicators for environmentally very sensitive habitats.





Section A: Research Article